Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 2

Had 2-3 glasses of wine last night with a good size dinner. Part of the Thanksgiving week with the girlfriends family.

This morning was a vitatop and lunch will be 3 sushi rolls. Hoping to make it to the gym today.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 1 After Gym

At the gym I ran 3 miles in slightly under 8 minute miles then did 36 minutes on the elliptical.
I also did two sets of 5 pull ups.
A few months back I was able to run 3 miles at 7:15 and do more than 10 pull ups.
My current goal is to gets to one 6 minute mile, three at seven minute miles, and 20 pull ups.

Day 1 The Re-Dedication

About a year ago I set the uncompromising goal of a six pack. I was able to get my weight over the next few months from the high 150's to the mid 140's. Although not quite achieving the six pack I did get some definition, eliminated the love handles, and reduced the man boobs to a reasonable level.

In June I started dating someone seriously and have let myself rise to around 150. As of today I'm relaunching operation six pack. I will post my daily food intake, exercise, and any relevant info.

Yesterday I did a 5 mile run at roughly 8 minute miles and 15 minutes on the elliptical with a little lifting, so today I will go to the gym but not work out too hard.

Breakfast: 7am
Vitatop(100 cal, this will be discussed and praised later)
1 Date(23)

Lunch: 11am

Pre Workout boost:
1 small Tangerine (37 cal)

Off to the gym.